As a recruiter, my days are never dull. It’s like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole, trying to find the “perfect” candidate for a job opening. And just when I think I’ve found the one, they ghost, turn the job down or get hired by a competitor. It’s enough to drive a person crazy (happened long ago)!

But despite the challenges, I always try to keep a sense of humor about it all. After all, laughter is the best medicine (well, third best after coffee and wine).

So, let me take you through a typical day in the life of a recruiter:

I start my day with a giant cup of coffee (or 3), because let’s be real – I’m going to need it. I log into my email and start sorting through the hundreds of resumes that have come in overnight. I spend the next few hours, eyes burning, sifting through them, trying to find the elusive one.

After that, it’s time for the fun part – the interviews. I love hearing people’s stories and finding out what makes them tick. But sometimes, I get a little too invested in their lives. Like the time I spent 45 minutes chatting with a candidate about their favorite type of cheese (it was brie, in case you were wondering).

By the end of the day, my head is spinning with all the information I’ve taken in. It is time for the afore mentioned wine. But, I know I’ve done my best to find the “perfect” fit for my clients. And even if I didn’t succeed today, I’ll try again tomorrow. I’m addicted to the life.