Recruiting has traditionally been a function of human resources (HR), but there are compelling reasons to consider shifting it to marketing. This shift would allow organizations to tap into the creative, strategic thinking and outreach capabilities of the marketing team.

Marketing and recruiting both aim to attract top talent to an organization, but marketing approaches this challenge with a broader and more innovative mindset. By putting the recruitment process in the hands of marketing, companies can position themselves as employers of choice, engage with candidates in a more compelling and personalized way, and build a strong employer brand.

Marketing has a deeper understanding of the target audience and can craft recruitment messages that resonate with potential candidates. They also have experience creating compelling content, running social media campaigns and utilizing digital marketing tools to reach out to a wider pool of candidates. This expertise can help companies reach potential candidates where they are active and most likely to engage.

Moreover, marketing is adept at building and maintaining a strong brand image, which is critical in today’s candidate-driven job market. Candidates often research companies and their reputation before applying for a job. By making the recruitment process a function of marketing, companies can ensure that the recruitment experience aligns with the company’s brand promise. This consistency can help attract and retain top talent.

Lastly, marketing and HR can collaborate more effectively when they work together. By having a shared understanding of the target audience and recruitment goals, the marketing and HR teams can create a more cohesive and effective recruitment strategy. This collaboration can also lead to better candidate engagement and a more positive candidate experience.

The time has come for companies to consider making recruiting a function of marketing. This shift can help organizations attract top talent, create a more consistent and compelling recruitment experience, and build a strong employer brand. By doing so, companies can gain a competitive advantage in today’s highly competitive job market.